The companies of Montage Health

Confronting a crisis with teamwork

Montage Health

Of all the moving parts that make up Montage Health, Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula has taken the lead in facing a constantly changing pandemic with fierce determination, compassionately caring for our community. The other entities of Montage Health have shown inspiring leadership as well, reaching out to their patients and customers in new and invaluable ways as part of our overall COVID-19 response.

You can’t assemble a crack team in a crisis. They have to be there already — prepared, knowledgeable, and ready to rise to the occasion with selfless heroism — knowing the leadership and infrastructure will be there to support them. That’s what I’ve seen from top to bottom at Montage Health.

— Kathleen Bang, Chair, Montage Health Board of Trustees
Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula

At the center of Montage Health’s pandemic response is our hospital. The amount of rapid change that has taken place is extraordinary. Inpatient units closed, non-essential surgeries and procedures rescheduled, visitors restricted, personal protective equipment guidelines revised and reinforced, infection control measures tracked in minute detail, patient protocols revised, critical-care supplies augmented, respiratory triage tent constructed. In the face of a worldwide public health crisis, Community Hospital has limited the risk of exposure, reduced the spread of coronavirus, and unified staff in a shared mission of caring for our community, our friends, our family.


Kathleen Bang, Chair
Diana Busman
Randy Charles
Matthew Fritsch, MD
Gene Hill
Stan McKee, Vice Chair

John O’Brien
Frederick O’Such
Steven Packer, MD
   Montage Health President/CEO
Carrie Panetta
Leslie Snorf

Bill Warner, Secretary
Patrick Welton, MD
Sharon Wesley, MD
Phil Wilhelm
William Young

Montage Medical Group

With nearly 60 physicians and other clinicians, Montage Medical Group has provided timely access to care, online and in-person, making a difference in slowing the COVID-19 spread, both in its clinics and at the hospital. In early March, doctors began practicing COVID-specific protocols with patients and offering eVisits, including a free online coronavirus screening tool. Video visits were quickly put into place, allowing patients to “see” their doctors from the comfort and safety of home. By April, doctors were seeing more than 200 patients a day in these virtual visits.


Lancelot Alexander, MD
Mark Carvalho, MD, CEO
Randall Charles, Vice Chair
Jack Jewett

Guru Khalsa, MD
Stan McKee, Chair
Wayne Moon
Steven Packer, MD
   Montage Health President/CEO

David Straface, MD
Laura Zehm,
   Montage Health Senior Vice President/CAO

MoGo Urgent Care

In the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, MoGo Urgent Care opened its doors, providing a critical new link in the healthcare continuum. For those without a doctor, or those who couldn’t get in to see a doctor, MoGo has become an option for those with non-life-threatening conditions. With walk-in visits and reservations online, plus visit-related lab work, X-rays, and medications onsite, it’s smarter, faster urgent care from a trusted source, with locations in Monterey and Marina. A Carmel MoGo will open late this year.


Matt Morgan, CFO, Secretary

Steven Packer, MD
   Montage Health President/CEO

Cynthia Peck, President/CE0, Vice Chair

Montage Health Foundation

Montage Health thrives in a community that is incredibly generous with its time and resources. When this pandemic began, community members stepped up and asked, “How can we help?” That sentiment prompted a fundraising drive to raise funds for critical resources to keep our community healthy during this crisis. To date, hundreds of generous members of our community have raised over $2 million to support this cause, and continue to support the foundation’s other important work. We couldn’t do what we do without compassionate community members like you.


Theodore Balestreri, II
Kathleen Bang
David Benjamin
Diana Busman
Randall Charles, Chair
Bill Doolittle
Ryan Edwards
Nicholas Fantl

Craig Geiler, MD
Rebecca Heiser
Daniel Hightower, MD
Bob Kavner
Lynn Knoop
Clay Larson
John Mahoney
Kevin Mahoney

Sharon Meresman, Secretary
Matt Morgan, Treasurer/CFO
Mike Murphy
Steven Packer, MD,
   Montage Health President/CEO
Stephen Schulte
Stephanie Skinner
Leslie Snorf, Vice Chair

Joanne Storkan
Clark Struve
Bill Tyler
Margi Wiest
Bill Young

Aspire Health Plan

Backed by Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula and Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare System, Aspire Health Plan improves access to and coordination of care, while ensuring its Medicare Advantage and commercial health plan members receive the best value through comprehensive health coverage. Aspire has played an important role in communicating with its members — many of whom are in the high-risk categories for COVID-19 — about personal safety measures and telehealth, a 24-hour virtual service available at no extra cost, which provides diagnosis and treatment plans while adhering to social distancing.


David Awerbuck, MD
Pete Delgado, SVMHS President/CEO
Gene Hill
Scott Kelly, VP/COO
Michael McGlue, MD

John O’Brien, Chair
Peter Oppenheim, MD
Steven Packer, MD
   Montage Health President/CEO
Tony Pruthi, MD

Allen Radner, MD, SVMHS CMO
Harry Wardwell
Laura Zehm, AHP President/CEO

Community Health Innovations

We all know there can be barriers to good health — some emotional, some financial, some clinical. Community Health Innovations (CHI) breaks those down by bringing people together with the help they need, whether that’s education, community resources, screenings, or expertise from myriad health professionals. By promoting wellness and improving care, CHI also helps lower healthcare costs for everyone. As we face an unprecedented economic downturn, healthcare will suffer huge financial losses, and finding the way to creatively provide vital care in an efficient way will be one of the most important measures of success for all of us.


Michelle Averill
Sharon Crino
Pete Delgado, SVMHS President/CEO
Elizabeth Lorenzi, VP/COO

Al Nicora
Steven Packer, MD
   Montage Health President/CEO
Allen Radner, MD, SVMHS CMO

Orlando Rodriguez, MD
Bill Warner, Chair
Laura Zehm,
   Montage Health Senior Vice President/CAO

I’m not a frequent visitor but in 40 years on the Peninsula I have seen those smiling, good humored caretakers at CHOMP Emergency every couple years or so. This time it was different. We have a pandemic hitting our nation and everyone in our town seems to be bracing for the full brunt to arrive. I was more concerned than usual when my doctor sent me to emergency…

…CHOMP seemed as prepared as you can be for a pandemic. Entrances have been temporarily changed, room positions and functions rearranged, partitioned spaces have been walled off with plastic sheets. The personnel are all wearing masks and protective gloves. The entire hospital seems futuristic and a little eerie.

Many things have changed — but one thing has not. The people at our hospital who risk it all, and come in day after day to face possible personal and family disaster have not changed. They smile and they make you feel better and they efficiently tend to your needs. To tell them they are angels is embarrassing to them. They all have only one comment, “It’s my job.”

— Burt Harris, Pebble Beach
An excerpt of a letter to the editor, Monterey Herald